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Kimberly Lake

Chief Financial Officer

(352) 486-5231 x2090

Pamela Whitney

Financial Officer

(352) 486-5231 x2040

Brandon Eastman

Coordinator of Purchasing


Phyllis Beauchamp

Senior Payroll Specialist

(352) 486-5231 x2022

Carey Jeanne Strickland

Payroll Specialist

(352) 486-5231 x2033

Sharette Shultz

Senior Accounts Payable Clerk

(352) 486-5231 x2041

Beckie Dowling

Accounts Payable Clerk

(352) 486-5231 x2042

Jennifer Harrington

Bookkeeper, Fiscal Services

(352) 486-5231 x2038

Finance Documents

2019-20 Proposed Budget Summary

2019-20 Fiscal Year Final Budget Narrative

2019-20 Fiscal Year Final Budget Summary

2019-20 Fiscal Year Final Budget Capital Outlay

2019-2020 Tentative Budget Summary

2019-20 Tentative School Capital Outlay

2019-20 School Financial Reports

2020-21 Proposed Budget Summary

2020 -21 Proposed School Capital Outlay

2020-21 Tentative Budget Narrative

2020-21 Tentative Budget Summary

2020-21 Tentative School Capital Outlay

2020-21 Fiscal Year Final Budget Narrative

2020-21 Fiscal Year Final Budget Summary

2020-21 Fiscal Year Final Budget Capital Outlay

2020-2021 School Financial Reports

2021-22 Proposed Budget Summary

2021-22 Proposed Budget Narrative

2021-22 Notice Of Tax For School Capital Outlay

2021-22 Notice Of Budget Hearing Tax Increase

2021-22 Tentative Budget Summary

2021-22 Tentative Budget Narrative

2021-22 Final Budget Summary

2021-22 Final Budget Narrative

2021-2022 School Financial Reports

2020-21 Expenditures Per Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Student

2021-22 Expenditures per Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Student

2022-23 Proposed Budget Summary

2022-23 Notice of Budget Hearing Tax Increase

2022-23 Tentative Budget Summary

2022-23 Notice of Tax for School Capital Outlay

2022-23 Final Budget

2022-23 Expenditures per FTE

2022-23 Educational Funding Accountability Act

2023-24 Proposed Budget

2023-24 Tentative Budget Summary

2023-24 Notice of Tax for School Capital Outlay

2023-24 Notice of Budget Hearing Tax Increase

2023-24 Final Budget

2023-24 Annual Financial Report Expenditures Per Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Student

2024-25 Proposed Budget

2024-25 Tentative Budget

2024-25 Notice of Budget Hearing Tax Increase

2024-25 Notice of Tax for School Capital Outlay

2024-2025 Final Budget

Payroll Calendars

Weekly Employee Time Sheet

Weekly Employee Time Sheet

Financial Transparency

On May 27, 2009, Governor Crist signed the Transparency Florida Act into law. This legislation requires the Governor's Office to develop a website to provide specific information on every appropriation found within the General Appropriation Act for each branch of state government and state agency.  The data must include at a minimum: expenditures, appropriations and adjustments,  the status of spending authority for each appropriation and position  and  rate  information  on  state employees.

The website will be overseen by the Joint Legislative Auditing Committee which will  also propose additional phases of information to be made available.  The committee submitted a proposal directly to  the  Speaker of the House and President of the Senate which includes a schedule of additional phases of information by the type of information to be provided for specific governmental entities including all local government units, community colleges, state  universities and other government entities that receive state appropriations.  

For more information, visit and

For our most recent Financial and Federal single audit performed by the Florida Auditor General's Office, please visit their website:  Florida Auditor General - AG Reports (


Use the link below to evaluate the financial efficiency of our school district and to compare with similarly situated school districts.

Florida 2019: VAM Public ( 

Useful Links

Bids Awards

Levy Award Notification for E-Rate Category 2 Internal Connection RFP