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Chapter 6 Policies
School Board
Board Policies
Chapter 6 Policies
6.01 - The Instructional Staff.pdf
(17.5 KBs)
6.011 - Professional Ethics.pdf
(12.2 KBs)
6.02 - General Requirements for Appointment and Employment.pdf
(24.6 KBs)
6.03 - Employment of Personnel.pdf
(385.6 KBs)
6.031 - Employment Defined.pdf
(421.9 KBs)
6.032 - Apppointment or Employment Requirements.pdf
(247.4 KBs)
6.04 - Certification of Administrative and Instructional Personnel.pdf
(83.0 KBs)
6.041 - Self-Reporting Rule.pdf
(12.8 KBs)
6.042 - Report of Misconduct.pdf
(294.0 KBs)
6.05 - Private Instruction and Tutoring.pdf
(11.9 KBs)
6.06 - (BA3.28.23) Years of Service Defined for Administrative and Instructional Personnel.pdf
(111.1 KBs)
6.07 - Contracts Instructional and Administrative Personnel.pdf
(12.3 KBs)
6.08 - Contracts with Principals and Supervisors.pdf
(14.7 KBs)
6.09 - Resignations.pdf
(74.9 KBs)
6.10 - Transfers.pdf
(10.5 KBs)
6.11 - Suspension and Dismissal.pdf
(22.2 KBs)
6.111 – Suspension With Partial or No Pay.pdf
(131.7 KBs)
6.12 - Staff Training.pdf
(11.5 KBs)
6.13 - Conference and Planning Days.pdf
(9.9 KBs)
6.14 - Outside Employment.pdf
(11.1 KBs)
6.15 - Leave of Absence.pdf
(11.1 KBs)
6.16 - Notification of Absence.pdf
(11.3 KBs)
6.17 - Leave Application.pdf
(11.2 KBs)
6.18 - Approval of Leave.pdf
(11.0 KBs)
6.19 - Absence without Leave.pdf
(142.4 KBs)
6.20 - Sick Leave.pdf
(91.1 KBs)
6.21 - Terminal Sick Pay.pdf
(10.7 KBs)
6.22 - Illness-Or-Injury-In-Line-Of-Duty Leave.pdf
(81.2 KBs)
6.221 - Workers’ Compensation – Return to Work Policy.pdf
(144.6 KBs)
6.23 - Personal and Family Medical Leave.pdf
(129.6 KBs)
6.24 - Military Leave - Extended Active Duty during National and or Regional Emergency.pdf
(16.3 KBs)
6.25 - Vacation Leave.pdf
(514.9 KBs)
6.26 - JuryWitness Duty.pdf
(11.7 KBs)
6.27 - Professional Leave.pdf
(17.8 KBs)
6.28 - Temporary Duty.pdf
(11.7 KBs)
6.29 - Teaching Out-of-Field.pdf
(91.2 KBs)
6.291 - Teaching In-Field.pdf
(106.8 KBs)
6.30 - Assessment of Employees.pdf
(67.4 KBs)
6.31 Teacher Aides and Volunteers 7.14.20.pdf
(117.4 KBs)
6.32 - Pupil Supervision.pdf
(10.2 KBs)
6.33 - Substitute Teachers.pdf
(15.6 KBs)
6.34 - Professional Growth.pdf
(10.9 KBs)
6.35 - Home Visitation.pdf
(9.3 KBs)
6.36 - Employee Experience for Salary Purposes.pdf
(285.7 KBs)
6.37 - Employee Personal Files.pdf
(108.6 KBs)
6.381 - Child Abuse Reporting.pdf
(11.2 KBs)
6.40 - Records and Reports.pdf
(278.8 KBs)
6.41 - Telephone Calls, Electronic Communications and Facsimiles.pdf
(101.5 KBs)
6.42 - Physical Examinations.pdf
(43.3 KBs)
6.43 - Aids, Communicable Diseases, Environmental Hazards, and Bloodborne Pathogens.pdf
(77.6 KBs)
6.44 - Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace.pdf
(15.9 KBs)
6.455 – Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace.pdf
(140.2 KBs)
6.46 - Pre-Employment Reasonable Suspicion Drug and Alcohol Testing.pdf
(104.9 KBs)
6.47 - Commercial Drivers’ License (CDL), Drug and Alcohol Testing.pdf
(164.9 KBs)
6.48 - Grievance Procedure for Employees Excluded From the Bargaining Unit.pdf
(40.3 KBs)
6.49 - Minimum Work Day for Personnel.pdf
(10.9 KBs)
6.50 - Injuries to Personnel.pdf
(7.7 KBs)
6.51 - Retirement of Employees.pdf
(174.6 KBs)
6.52 - Administator Performance Pay Policy.pdf
(13.4 KBs)
6.53 - Florida Best & Brightest Teacher Scholarship Porgram.pdf
(97.0 KBs)
6.54 - Prohibiting Discrimination, Including Sexual & other forms of Harassment.pdf
(400.2 KBs)
6.56 - Social Media.pdf
(287.2 KBs)